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Article about a rasvaimu, plastiikkakirurgia and vatsan muotoilu.

06.08.2015 | Категория: Разное
84This article about a rasvaimu, plastiikkakirurgia and vatsan muotoilu.


To date, by low-invasive and relatively safe way recognized rasvaimu — suction of subcutaneous fat using a special cannula vacuum suction after anesthesia. First through the cannula into the subcutaneous fat pumped liquid, good solvent fat. When the fat is dissolved, the solution was sucked off. For the treatment of large surfaces have to make some holes. Since the number of fat cells in human body invariably strictly from the moment of birth until the moment of death, liposuction can solve the problem radically. Where fat cells are removed, they no longer appear, and fat there will be no more.

Especially liposuction with uneven distribution of subcutaneous fat, mainly its accumulation in the abdomen, flanks and buttocks. Sometimes the fat “round up” is extremely difficult, because in these places the density of insulin receptors in adipose tissue is several times higher than in others. Fat disappears from your hands, legs, face, etc., and on the abdomen and flanks may still be body fat, which never disappears, despite all efforts. For such cases, and there is liposuction. Each surgical method of fat removal has its advantages and disadvantages. Experienced specialist in cosmetic surgery can always recommend the option which in this case would be the most successful.


plastiikkakirurgia as field of surgical activity is engaged in the development of methods of surgical treatment of patients with deformity of the soft and bone tissues, various malfunctions in any part of the body. Plastic surgery is needed in order to free people from physical disabilities, to transform their appearance. Physical defects can be of different nature: congenital, acquired due to accident or postoperative. Various methods of carrying out plastic surgery will hide any defects and deficiencies so that the patient will feel comfortable in his new look.

Plastic surgery is classified into several types: cosmetic and reconstructive.

Aesthetic surgery deals exclusively externally patients, correction of forms according to the interdependence of all parts of the body, without going far beyond the age and ethnicity of each individual.

Between aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery revealed a main significant difference. To reconstructive surgery seeks help a person suffering from lack of tissues, and any healthy person who wants to fine-tune its appearance, you may seek assistance from the professionals of aesthetic plastic surgery.

Often operations are performed for the correction of any imbalances of the face, such as nose. And when some people with age complexes arise in connection with their external changes, and subsequently lowered self-esteem and destabilizing emotional.

In the above cases, plastic surgery is just needed for people who want to live a full life. Aesthetic medicine is a more newly-formed paths in plastic surgery and requires thorough preparation.

The media, of course, report what people are most interested in: about the various diets, the political fights, the sex, “beautiful people”, etc. Aesthetic surgery also not paid attention to and included in this list. Because of this, it became known as “vanity surgery”. With such disdain are people who have not had to experience the need for plastic surgery, it seems frivolous occupation.

The plastic surgeon is able to correct all deficiencies and make almost any person beautiful. Let’s not forget that in aesthetic medicine the object of treatment is not part of the body or face, and the patient as an individual. A plastic surgeon is obliged to understand specifically what results from the operation waits for the patient, and should know whether it is possible to realize these desires, and to assess their abilities with the ideas of the pacient.

Vatsan muotoilu

Thirdly, if you have a little or too much flaccid muscle of the abdomen and excess skin on the abdomen, which is not reduced through diet or exercise, you may want to consider a way of dealing in the form of plastic surgery — vatsan muotoilu, popularly referred to as the tummy tuck. This procedure flattens your abdomen by removing extra fat and skin and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall.

However, this is one of the main operations, so if you see her, please take the time to study the subject, thoroughly analyze Your own situation, and do not rush to make a final decision. A tummy tuck should be the last method, after you have exhausted all other measures, as well as the procedure should not be used as an alternative to weight loss.

Tummy tuck surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting the excess skin, reducing fat tissue and tightening of the stretched muscles.

These problems may occur by reason:

• Heredity;

• Pregnancy;

• Weight (after weight loss).

This technique is used to improve the appearance of the abdomen.

The stomach after it becomes more attractive, visually reduced, smoothed and skin is not hanging.

So often problems associated with the abdomen are more serious problems – umbilical hernia, diastasis (separation of the muscles of the abdomen).

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